Monday, January 19, 2009

First Monday Check-In!

Here we go! It's the first check-in.  In order to earn your points respond to this with a comment below including your gp screen name, books read, and points earned. It should be short please! If you have a question shoot me an email or ask me on GP so I don't have to sort through 50 comments. This is what it should look like:

A Wrinkle In Time, (Banned/challenged book)-15
Kite Runner, (Book picked out by husband)-5
Total: 20 points

I will update everyone's points as they come in.  Look to the challengers list to the right and you will see everyone's points listed.

I also updated our Shelfari page! You can go there and see our discussions...I started a new thread giving you the chance to share any books that you have loved so far! :)

*Remember-you have until APRIL!! If you don't have many points now, don't stress. :)


  1. besszilla:
    Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating by Mark Bittman (Non-Fiction) 10 points

  2. Tootermi:
    Plum Spooky (A book based in my own state)-15 points

  3. JA062406:
    With RFP (A book based in my own state)-15 points.

  4. Chrisnbobby:
    Three to get Deadly (A book based on my own state) 15 points

  5. boxie:
    Just after Sunset (a book from my public library) 5 points

  6. Rogue Lily:
    Outlander (Historical Fiction) 10 pts
    Twilight (Read a borrowed book) 5 pts

  7. I am reading two at the moment, I alternate.

    The Boleyn Inheritance (fictional history) 10pts

    Brother Odd (a book I never finished) 5pts

  8. 0...big fat 0...haven't had time to read anything but material for my Master's....ugh!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. illinimama:

    Green Eggs & Ham (read a book to someone else) - 5 pts.

  11. Steinbaby:
    Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy: Read a book written by a celebrity(10pts)

  12. AMG06
    Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix (Read a book to someone else [my class] 15 pts)

  13. Mrs.CAS
    The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls (autobiography) 15 pts
    Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
    (first book I saw when I walked into the library) 10 pts
